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Saturday, 28 December 2013

There are 15 major changes are occurred in Google Algorithm target on SEO.
They are,

  • Unnamed Update — November 14, 2013
  • Penguin 2.1 (#5) — October 4, 2013
  • Hummingbird — August 20, 2013
  • In-depth Articles — August 6, 2013
  • Unnamed Update — July 26, 2013
  • Knowledge Graph Expansion — July 19, 2013
  • Panda Recovery — July 18, 2013
  • Multi-Week Update — June 27, 2013
  • Panda Dance — June 11, 2013
  • "Payday Loan" Update — June 11, 2013
  • Penguin 2.0 (#4) — May 22, 2013
  • Domain Crowding — May 21, 2013
  • "Phantom" — May 9, 2013
  • Panda #25 — March 14, 2013
  • Panda #24 — January 22, 2013

Panda #24 — January 22, 2013 This is this the first Google Algorithm update in 2013. Google announced its first official update of 2013, claiming 1.2% of queries affected. This did not seem related to talk of an update around 1/17-18 (which Google did not confirm).

Panda #25 — March 14, 2013 Matt Cutts pre-announced a Panda update at SMX West, and suggested it would be the last update before Panda was integrated into the core algorithm. The exact date was unconfirmed, but MozCast data suggests 3/13-3/14.

"Phantom" — May 9, 2013 In the period around May 9th, there were many reports of an algorithm update (also verified by high MozCast activity). The exact nature of this update was unknown, but many sites reported significant traffic loss.

Domain Crowding — May 21, 2013 Google released an update to control domain crowding/diversity deep in the SERPs (pages 2+). The timing was unclear, but it seemed to roll out just prior to Penguin 2.0 in the US and possibly the same day internationally.

Penguin 2.0 (#4) — May 22, 2013 After months of speculation bordering on hype, the 4th Penguin update (dubbed "2.0" by Google) arrived with only moderate impact. The exact nature of the changes were unclear, but some evidence suggested that Penguin 2.0 was more finely targeted to the page level.

"Payday Loan" Update — June 11, 2013 Google announced a targeted algorithm update to take on niches with notoriously spammy results, specifically mentioning payday loans and porn. The update was announced on June 11th, but Matt Cutts suggested it would roll out over a 1-2 month period.

Panda Dance — June 11, 2013 While not an actual Panda update, Matt Cutts made an important clarification at SMX Advanced, suggesting that Panda was still updating monthly, but each update rolled out over about 10 days. This was not the "everflux" many people had expected after Panda #25.

Multi-Week Update — June 27, 2013 Google's Matt Cutts tweeted a reply suggesting a "multi-week" algorithm update between roughly June 12th and "the week after July 4th". The nature of the update was unclear, but there was massive rankings volatility during that time period, peaking on June 27th (according to MozCast data). It appears that Google may have been testing some changes that were later rolled back.

Panda Recovery — July 18, 2013 Google confirmed a Panda update, but it was unclear whether this was one of the 10-day rolling updates or something new. The implication was that this was algorithmic and may have "softened" some previous Panda penalties.

Knowledge Graph Expansion — July 19, 2013 Seemingly overnight, queries with Knowledge Graph (KG) entries expanded by more than half (+50.4%) across the MozCast data set, with more than a quarter of all searches showing some kind of KG entry.

Unnamed Update — July 26, 2013 MozCast tracked a large Friday spike (105° F), with other sources showing significant activity over the weekend. Google has not confirmed this update.

In-depth Articles — August 6, 2013 Google added a new type of news result called "in-depth articles", dedicated to more evergreen, long-form content. At launch, it included links to three articles, and appeared across about 3% of the searches that MozCast tracks.

Hummingbird — August 20, 2013 Announced on September 26th, Google suggested that the "Hummingbird" update rolled out about a month earlier. Our best guess ties it to a MozCast spike on August 20th and many reports of flux from August 20-22. Hummingbird has been compared to Caffeine, and seems to be a core algorithm update that may power changes to semantic search and the Knowledge Graph for months to come.

Penguin 2.1 (#5) — October 4, 2013 After a 4-1/2 month gap, Google launched another Penguin update. Given the 2.1 designation, this was probably a data update (primarily) and not a major change to the Penguin algorithm. The overall impact seemed to be moderate, although some webmasters reported being hit hard.

Unnamed Update — November 14, 2013 Multiple Google trackers picked up unusual activity, which co-occurred with a report of widespread DNS errors in Google Webmaster Tools. Google did not confirm an update, and the cause and nature of this flux was unclear.

Monday, 16 December 2013

The internet world is an ever changing platform where new is in, old is out every other day. Google algorithms constantly change from time to time which often has a strong impact on existing websites. Only if website owners and business establishments understand the future that is imminent, one will be able to cope up. The SEO strategy trend for 2014 will be quite different and being prepped up to face changes will play a role in determining future success.

Semantic Searches

With the recent Google Hummingbird update, it's more about providing relevant searches and quality content to people. Semantic searches are being pushed to the forefront while the concept of long tail keywords are being forced to the back. Even though, it's difficult to adopt this new trend, it matters a lot because SEO strategy trends of 2013 will no longer work. Try not to focus on keyword density and link quantity but rather on relevant, useful content that will assist users achieve their goal.

Focus on Emerging Platforms

The computer is now a primitive platform because websites are being regularly accessed on tablets, smartphones or every other new device that's coming into the market. Business marketeers should now consider optimizing their websites for mobile platforms as the future lies there. Mobile SEO will be significant in 2014 with web pages being specifically designed to be viewed and interacted with on this platform. It's got huge potential and is growing at a rapid rate to occupy the primary space.

Engage Users with Social Media

Without further questioning, social media rules the web world. Websites like Reddit and Imgur are driving more traffic than actual websites. Basically, the internet is made up fo websites and these driving social media sites should be given primary focus. The more a company can engage audience on Tumblr or Facebook, the easier it will be for them to build brand reputation and carry it back to their website. Pinterest, Vine and Instagram are other popular growing social networks to watch out for. Encourage users to interact more, comment and be part of the community than being sole vis

Bigger Content, Lesser Keywords

Earlier, the minimum accepted length for an article was just 300 words but times changed. It became 500 in 2013 but come next year, the Search Engine Journal opines 1000 words will be the new norm. Before 2017, it could even be 2000 words or more according to surveys conducted. Even though, the word count increases for an article, keywords will become lesser and more relevant. Stuffing content with high keyword density is long gone, following Google's Panda and Penguin updates.

Privacy Matters

Assuring the audience that their information is stored and stays private matters in 2014. With surveillance going high, it is obvious that readers are concerned about sharing their information online. The more it develops, the stronger level of encryption websites should use and ensure visitors that they are secure. Protecting them using SSL certificates and stopping hackers, data thieves from acquiring private files is expected of website hosts. Read Comodo SSL Reviews here:

Latest SEO News Updates

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Does a site leveraging responsive design "lose" any SEO benefit compared to a more traditional m. site?